Our warmest congratulations to Councillor Lubna Arshad Oxford Labour for her appointment as the new Lord Mayor of Oxford! We are thrilled for Lubna, the first Muslim and first woman of colour to be elected to this position last week. We can’t think of anyone more deserving.
Lubna has been a firm supporter of OCA from its beginning and volunteered with us throughout the years. We are very grateful for all she’s done for our communities in this time and were honoured to witness the ceremony.
We were also delighted to find out that Lubna has selected Oxford Community Action as one of the Lord Mayor’s Chosen Charities for 2023-2024, alongside 2 other very deserving charities Asylum Welcome and Humanity First UK. The Lord Mayor will be fundraising for the duration of her appointment, and the total raised will be donated to the 3 charities at the end of that time.
We wish Lubna a fruitful time in office. We know her passion and commitment to the members of marginalised communities in Oxford and beyond. The girls in our communities in particular will continue to look up to her as the role model she’s establishing for them.