One of our duties is to ensure that the new and emerging BAME communities in Oxford have the means to live through this difficult time and emerge just as strong (or even stronger) post lockdown.
National research is indicating that BAME Groups are being hit harder by Covid-19 (Intensive Care National Audit and Research Centre) and suffering disproportionate impacts linked to rates of poverty, insecure and low paid labour, often undertaken by key workers, plus poorer conditions and overcrowded housing all of which are putting ethnic minorities much more at risk of Covid-19 infection, (Runneymede Trust, 2020). In Oxford, the impact of furlough and the Covid-19 lockdown has resulted in many workers losing their only source of income for themselves and their families, resulting in many people enduring food poverty, malnourishment, and detoriorating mental health and well being.
The harder you’re hit or held back, the more support you will need to get back to your rightful standing.
That’s why we’ve arranged for nutritious foods to be delivered to the communities’ families. That’s why we’ve poured our heart and soul into this project and are working to make more connections with other organisations that can offer aid and resources. And we’re constantly making and developing plans to carry out once lockdown ceases.
As a lot of our community members have been furloughed or are unable to earn a wage, we must direct our attention to how our community members will be able to rebuild their lives post lockdown as well as sustain themselves and their families throughout lockdown.