Oxford Community Action

Thank you to everyone who came to our open session yesterday – it was such a successful day!

While running our Wednesday food larder, we invited healthcare workers to come speak to our communities about their health, vaccinations and COVID.

COVID-19’s disproportionate impact on ethnic minority groups was suspected early in the crisis, but the headline figures of deaths and economic damage hide a far more complex story.

We know that the first thing to do is to create a connection and a dialogue between the healthcare system and the members of our communities, to establish trust and ensure everyone, no matter their ethnicity, situation and possible language barrier feels safe to talk to healthcare workers.

That’s the path we started on yesterday, hosting a consultation and vaccination centre by NHS health workers at our larder. Many people sat to have a chat with them, received critical information they might not have accessed otherwise, and had their jabs!

A very well done to everyone involved, the whole OCA team, the project leader Ridwan, and the incredible NHS staff who came to support our communities to look after their health


(Our larder happens every Wednesday from the big hall at the John Bunyan Baptist Church building, Crowell road OX4 3LN)