Wellbeing – you and your community
East Oxford United Football Club, Oxford Community Action Project (in collaboration with East Timorese Community, Pakistani Community, Sudanese Community, Syrian Community, Word Foundation) and Healthwatch Oxfordshire are working together. We want to hear from all in Oxford’s diverse communities who have recently settled here – what things could support you and your community and improve wellbeing?
Healthwatch Oxfordshire is INDEPENDENT – we make sure the voice of people like you who use health services gets heard. This survey is ANONYMOUS – that means we don’t ask who you are or anything about you. What you tell us will be used to help improve support to your community. Contact us if you need help filling in this survey or need it in a printed copy e.g. Large Print, Easy Read or translation. Don’t forget to press the FINISH SURVEY button at the end!
Click below to start the survey!