In our final post for this year, we break down how the money we earned from catering opportunities circulated.
With your support, we made approximately £17k throughout 2023. This amount was split as follows:
Food and Ingredients 15%
Chefs Remuneration 35%
Food Bank and Parcels 26%
Holiday Activities 15%
Catering Equipment 9%
The percentage of funds feeding back into our @oxfordcommunityaction food bank doubled from the previous year. Coupled with the funds allocated for our Holiday Activities for Young People, this totalled over £8.5k.
2300+ free meals were provided for our Young People participants as part of our Holiday Activities and almost 1000 meals were served during our ‘Free Meal Tuesdays’.
2023 also saw the introduction of our upskilling course: ‘Upskillet’, where we invite members from our communities to gain certification and join us in our kitchen. Currently the number stands at 12.
We are very excited to show you what we have planned for 2024 as we venture into our other community led actions under the umbrella of OCA.
See you all in 2024!